Drawing challenge

Did you ever had a great talent, or really enjoy and love your hobby, but somehow (I really don’t know how) you kind of forgot it and stopped doing it? I did. And I really regret it. When I was still in kindergarten, I wanted to be a painter. I loved drawing, sketching and painting so much, I could do it all day. Through the years of drawing, I found myself in pencils and architectural sketches, mostly in high school in our classes. But when I got to college, we mostly draw fashion sketches and figures. Although I’m actually a fashion designer, I should love this kind of sketches, but I admit, I still can’t draw a decent fashion sketch. Someday, somehow, I just stopped drawing. And now when I have something beautiful in mind, I really can’t draw it like I used to.
That’s why I decided to make myself a drawing/sketching challenge. The point is to improve my skills, creativity, do the things I love. To become who I want to be, and maybe inspire some other lost creative souls. 😀 If you want to join me at this project, please tag your drawings and sketches with #dxtdrawing so I can see your talents.
Here are the rules:
-you don’t need to draw every day, there is no expiring date
-you can make more sketches in one day if you are inspired
-write the name of a sketch in a corner, and also add a date, so you can see the improvement
-you can use all different styles, tools,… drawing, painting, sketching…
-use your imagination and make yourself happy 🙂
I wonder why I wrote ‘a dragon’ twice, and I wonder why I didn’t notice that earlier, I read that at least 50 times 😀
Anyway, let’s keep it how it is, maybe it’s meant to be that way, let’s draw two dragons in two different ways 😀
Enjoy :*
My challenge drawings:
Norrooooo!!! ful dobr res!! ta ideja mi je pa ful všeč. Začnem čim prej :))) hvala za inspiracijo :***
Super =) js se že veselim, da vidim risbe od drugih 🙂